
Dear friends !
The summer is slowly coming to an end, the heat is subsiding, but despite the heat I have not been idle and a new program has been created: Vellness Valter, a participatory program for each and everyone.

At the 20. Hamburger Comedy Pokal! we, Tim Schaller and I, won 3rd prize with Christmas Fever.

After our positive experience with the Christmas show Weihnachtsfieber 2.0, we have decided to produce a year-round programme and give ourselves a name.
It is with great pleasure that I announce the birth of the comedy duo :

The ” Duo Burloni “

The “Duo Burloni” consists of two jokers. (due burloni) called Tim Schaller and Valter Rado

I would be very happy if you contact me!
Valter Rado